It is the management’s responsibility to ensure an effective relationship is built between the staff and its parents/carers so that information, about their child, is shared effectively and in real time. Methods of communication used are face to face, telephone, email, website and hard copy.
KIDACTIVE is committed to providing a fair and open admission system that offers a competitively priced and good value service. As a registered childcare provider, we both encourage and actively support eligible parents/carers claiming and taking up the childcare element of the Working Tax Credit. We accept payment by cash, bank transfer, childcare vouchers and tax free childcare.
When a parent/carer contacts KIDACTIVE enquiring about childcare they will be given all the relevant information including; details how to register and book childcare, the level of fees and payment options and terms and conditions of childcare. All childcare is booked and confirmed online. Children can not access our childcare facilities unless a parent/carer has registered an online portal submitting child, parent/carer details.
After School Club
Once confirmed a place is allocated to the parent/carer until they request a cancellation by email. A cancellation includes a one month notice.
Holiday Club
Holiday childcare will be advertised on our website booking platform. The parent/guardian booking childcare will be asked to select their chosen date/s and will be shown the cost before being asked to confirm their booking. An invoice will be automatically generated after the parent/guardian confirms a booking online. A booking confirmation is regarded as acceptance of our terms and conditions.
Payment of childcare fees is required within the timeframe stated by KIDACTIVE;
After School Club
1st of the month for the forthcoming month’s childcare.
Holiday Club
Within 24 hours of a booking confirmation, and in advance of childcare.
Our Holiday Club offers both early and standard price packages. To receive our early booking prices a booking must be made and settled at least 21 days in advance of the selected childcare date. If a booking is made outside 21 days, therefore qualifying for the early price, and settled inside 21 days it will be charged at the standard price.
The level of fees will be set by KIDACTIVE and reviewed annually in the light of the company’s financial position, its future strategic plans and any other broader economic or social considerations deemed relevant.
KIDACTIVE has the right to charge;
Unattended (for any reason) booked and confirmed childcare.
One month cancellation notice for confirmed after school childcare.
A cancelled holiday childcare booking, where the cancellation falls outside the 24 hours’ notice period.
Confirmed childcare where a child has been excluded due to unacceptable behaviour.
KIDACTIVE has the right to refuse and/or cancel (without refund) childcare;
If a parent/carer is unreliable in settling childcare fees within the stated time frame.
If a parent/carer presents unacceptable (verbal, written or physical) behaviour towards our management or staff.
If a child presents unacceptable (verbal or physical) behaviour towards children in our care or our staff.
The play experiences and the atmosphere of our Clubs aim to encourage children’s confidence, independence and enjoyment. Our work has, as its core, the aim of enabling children to develop their emotional, social, cognitive, interpersonal and physical skills, and their desire to explore, discover and be creative.
Settling in
Children will be given time to settle in at their own pace, so as to make them feel welcome, safe and confident in a new environment. Where possible, an opportunity will be made for the parent/carer and child to visit a Club prior to their start date.
Register of attendance
A record of children attending will be made by staff on the daily register.
Collections and transfers (after school club)
Depending on a child’s school year will depend on whether they are collected by staff from their classroom(s) or an arranged on-school-grounds designated meeting point. Prior to leaving school site a registration is completed and children are split into groups with sufficient staff to supervise them in their transfer from the school to the offsite after school club. Children wear high visible vests during walking transfer and all outdoor play.
Releasing children
If a child is to be collected by someone other than the parent/carer this must be indicated to the management in advance. If the person is not known to the staff a password will be agreed between the management and parent/carer. If the person collecting does not provide the password the child will not be released. The management will contact the parent/carer at this point, if the parent/carer cannot be contacted the child will remain in KIDACTIVE care.
Children leaving without an adult
Permission and arrangements will be a matter for discussion between the management and parent/carer, based on an understanding of a child’s age, maturity, distance of travel and previous loan travel experience. The parent/carer will be required to complete and sign a ‘Child permission to leave alone’ form prior to the arrangement.
Late collection
If the parent/carer is going to be late to collect their child, the management must be informed as soon as possible so that the child can be made aware and that sufficient childcare supervision arrangements can be made. If the parent/carer is late in picking up their child without prior warning, the provisions of the ‘Uncollected Child’ policy (refer to our ‘Safeguarding’ policy) will be activated.
Personal care
KIDACTIVE will not exclude or treat children less favourably, because they have personal care needs. Staff will encourage children to be toilet independent; however we realise that accidents can happen therefore if a child has a toilet accident staff will ensure that:
The child is supported and that privacy is respected.
The child is not made to feel embarrassed or at fault.
The child is hygienically clean before returning to activities.
Parents/carers will be informed on the day of an incident.
We recognise that some children have additional needs or physical disabilities that require particular support. As the needs of each child varies we will assess each child in consultation with their parents/carers on a case-by-case basis, depending on [i] the level of support each child requires to enable them to fully participate in club/group activities, [ii] the suitability of our club environments, [iii] the level of qualification/s and experience of our staff and [iv] our adult to child ratios (we do not operate 1:1).
Refer to link to determine if you child is fit to attend our Clubs.
KIDACTIVE complies with The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 at all times.
The registered person holds responsibility and liability of KIDACTIVE and will ensure that:
A designated Manager, Safeguarding, First Aider and Health and Safety Leads are in post.
Staff go through safer recruitment and training.
Staff are suitable i.e. qualified and/or experienced for posts employed.
Appropriate insurances are in place, including employers and public liability.
Risk assessments are in place and carried out as required.
Premises are clean, adequately lit, ventilated and at an appropriate temperature.
Adequate toilets and sinks, with hot and cold water, are available to children and adults.
Equipment and materials are safely and securely stored on premises.
Resources are provided to meet health and safety responsibilities and children/staff needs.
Premises contact details are available to parents/carers using our services.
All accidents, incidents and dangerous occurrences are properly reported, recorded and reviewed. This includes informing Ofsted, child protection agencies and the Health and Safety Executive under RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995) where appropriate.
Chemicals and cleaning materials are stored in accordance with COSHH.
All policies and procedures are reviewed annually and amended, as required.
Risk assessment procedure
Our risk assessments are part of a continuous process to prevent any incidents taking place. They are the responsibility of all staff as part of their daily duties. The Health and Safety Lead and management are responsible for making sure risk assessments are completed, logged and effectively monitored. Reviews are conducted when there is any change to equipment or resources, any change to premises, or when the particular needs of a child necessitates this. The Health and Safety Lead and management are further responsible for conducting any necessary reviews or making changes to policies or procedures in the light of any potential risks discovered.
Systems are in place to ensure that our Clubs are safe and secure place for children and adults.
Entrances and exits to the premises will be locked, where necessary.
Internal doors where childcare is delivered will be monitored by staff.
When in care, children will be supervised at all times.
All visitors must be pre-booked with management with details obtained at the time of booking. Visitors are not left unsupervised.
Security procedures will be regularly reviewed by the management and staff.
Staffing levels
The management will ensure that staff ratios and levels of supervision are always appropriate to the ages, abilities and number of children present, and to the risks associated with activities and environments that children and staff are accessing.
Weather protection
Parents/carers are encouraged to dress their children appropriately for the different seasons i.e. sun hat and sun screen protection (applied to their child before arrival) during warmer seasons and warm coat and hat during cold/wet seasons. Outdoor play will be monitored during warmer seasons.
Equipment and materials
All furniture, toys and equipment are kept clean, well maintained and in good repair. We select toys, equipment and resources with care, and we carry out regular risk assessments to ensure toys, equipment and materials are safe and suitable for children to use. Damaged items are disposed of promptly. We ensure that any flammable equipment is stored safely. All electrical equipment is subject to annual Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) either by KIDACTIVE or the school and Council premises that we hire.
Damaged items or equipment that is not ours but used by KIDACTIVE as part of our hire agreements, or within the local community (parks), is reported to either the school (holidays) or Council parks team (after school).
The management and staff are committed to taking all practicable steps to prevent and control the spread of infectious germs, and to uphold high standards of personal hygiene in order to minimise the risk of catching or spreading infections. This includes ensuring:
Environments remain generally clean at all times.
Toilets are clean, tissue, hot water, soap and hand drying facilities are always available.
Waste is disposed of safely in sealed bags.
Staff and children are encouraged to wash their hands after playing with nature, using the toilet and before handling food.
Cuts and abrasions are kept covered.
Staff that serve food will hold a food hygiene certificate.
Dealing with spillages
Spillages of blood, vomit, urine and faeces will be cleaned up immediately and disposed of safely and hygienically. Staff will wear disposable plastic gloves and an apron while using disinfectant solution, and wash themselves thoroughly afterwards. Children will be kept away.
Animal’s e.g. birds, cats, dogs, insects and bugs will/may be present on or surrounding our club premises. Children may also choose to explore with nature. Children may also be allowed (under supervision) to assist with maintenance (cleaning, feeding e.g. school pets e.g. chicken). Children are encouraged to not approach with intention to harm or antagonise.
Emergency evacuation and/or closure
In very exceptional circumstances, a club may need to be closed at very short notice due to an unexpected emergency. Such incidents could include:
Heating failure in serious weather conditions.
Loss of electricity.
Burst water pipes/gas leak.
Chemical spillage.
Structural damage to the building.
Fire or bomb scare/explosion.
Serious accident, incident or illness to a child/staff.
In such circumstances, staff will ensure that all steps are taken to keep both the children and themselves safe. All staff and children will assemble at the pre-arranged designated safe meeting points, where a register will be taken and all children and staff accounted for. If any person is missing, the management will be informed immediately and will activate the ‘Missing child’ policy.
Steps will be taken to inform parents/carers. All children will be supervised until they are collected. If a child’s parent/carers cannot be contacted, the club will follow its ‘Uncollected Child’ policy. Ofsted will be informed about any significant changes or events.
A site lockdown will be in response to any incident which has the potential to pose a threat to the safety of children and adults on or directly surrounding KIDACTIVE premises. Lockdown procedures may be activated to any number of situations, but more typically:
A serious accident or incident that requires the emergency services.
Reported local air pollution that may cause breathing difficulties or other health issues.
A potentially dangerous animal on or surrounding premises, Inc. a swarm of bees and wasps.
A reported incident in the local community that poses a potential risk to children and adults.
An intruder on or surrounding premises with the potential to pose a risk to children and adults.
If a site lockdown is activated the following procedure will apply:
All main entrances / exits will remain locked.
All children may be required to return to indoor activities. Management and staff will risk assess outdoor areas to determine if it is safe for children to participate in outdoor activities.
Depending on the risk all doors and windows may close.
Fire doors will not be locked unless there is an immediate threat posed by an intruder to which the Police will be contacted immediately.
All situations are different, once all staff and children are safely inside, the management and staff will conduct an on-going risk assessment based on the information available and advice that may be given from the Emergency Services or other outside agencies.
In the event of a lockdown if the reason is deemed serious parents/carers will be contacted as soon as possible to reassure and update them on the situation.
KIDACTIVE is committed to building a ‘culture of safety’ in which the children in our care are protected from abuse, harm and radicalisation. We will respond promptly and appropriately to all incidents or concerns regarding the safety of a child that may occur. Our child protection procedures comply with all relevant legislation and with guidance issued by the Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB).
The Safeguarding Lead coordinates all child protection issues and liaises with external agencies (e.g. Social Care, LSCB and Ofsted). The role includes responsibilities such as receiving and acting upon any reported concerns, ensuring the policy is implemented and promoted, promoting best safeguarding practice, acting as a first point of contact for KIDACTIVE on issues of child protection.
Child abuse and neglect
Child abuse is any form of physical, emotional or sexual mistreatment or lack of care that leads to injury or harm. An individual may abuse or neglect a child directly, or by failing to protect them.
Signs of child abuse and neglect
Signs of possible abuse and neglect may include:
Significant changes in a child's behaviour;
Deterioration in a child’s general well-being;
Unexplained bruising or marks;
Comments made by a child which give cause for concern;
Reasons to suspect neglect or abuse outside the setting, e.g. in the child’s home, or that a girl may have been subjected to (or is at risk of) female genital mutilation (FGM) and/or;
Inappropriate behaviour displayed by a member of staff, or any other person. For example, inappropriate sexual comments, excessive one-to-one attention beyond the requirements of a person’s role, or inappropriate sharing of images.
If abuse is disclosed to staff
If a child makes a disclosure to staff, that member of staff will follow a procedure that involves listening, questioning, reassuring and reporting to the Safeguarding Lead as soon as possible.
If abuse is suspected by staff
If staff suspects abuse they will notify the Safeguarding Lead who will record and investigate the matter. The same process will apply if a third party expresses to staff a concern of child abuse.
Peer-on-peer abuse
Children are vulnerable to abuse by their peers. Peer-on-peer abuse will be taken seriously by staff and will be subject to the same child protection procedures as other forms of abuse. Staff will not dismiss abusive behaviour as normal. The presence of one or more of the following in relationships between children should always trigger concern about the possibility of peer-on-peer abuse:
Sexual activity (in primary school-aged children) of any kind, including sexting (texting].
One of the children is significantly more dominant than the other (e.g. much older).
One of the children is significantly more vulnerable than the other (e.g. in terms of disability, confidence, and/or physical strength).
There has been some use of threats, bribes or coercion to ensure compliance or secrecy.
If peer-on-peer abuse is suspected or disclosed
We will follow the same procedures as set out above for responding to child abuse.
Extremism and radicalisation (Prevent duty)
All childcare settings have a legal duty to protect children from the risk of radicalisation and being drawn into extremism. There are many reasons why a child might be vulnerable to radicalisation, e.g.:
Feeling alienated or alone.
Seeking a sense of identity or individuality.
Suffering from mental health issues such as depression.
Desire for adventure or wanting to be part of a larger cause.
Associating with others who hold extremist beliefs.
Signs of radicalisation
Signs that a child might be at risk of radicalisation include:
Changes in behaviour, for example becoming withdrawn or aggressive.
Claiming that terrorist attacks and violence are justified.
Viewing violent extremist material online.
Possessing or sharing violent extremist material.
Logging a concern
All information about suspected abuse or disclosure, or concern about radicalisation, will be recorded as soon as possible after the event. The record will be given to the Safeguarding Lead who will decide on the appropriate course of action.
Allegations against staff
If anyone makes an allegation of child abuse against a member of staff:
The allegation will be recorded.
The allegation will be reported to the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO).
The LADO will advise if other agencies should be informed, and the SGL will act upon their advice. Any telephone reports to the LADO will be followed up in writing within 48 hours.
Following advice from the LADO, it may be necessary to suspend the member of staff pending full investigation of the allegation.
If appropriate KIDACTIVE will make a referral to the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).
Mobile phones
Staff that require mobile devices be kept on them for agreed communication reasons will have the camera deactivated/covered. Children can not keep mobile/camera devices on them during attendance. If a child arrives with a mobile phone they must hand it to staff on arrival and it will be returned to them on departure.
Safeguarding Lead
Paul Tucker
t) 07762 234169
Under duties set out in the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981, KIDACTIVE recognises its responsibilities in providing adequate and appropriate equipment, facilities and personnel to enable suitable first aid to be given at our Clubs. A first aider will be on duty at all times.
In the event of a minor or major accident, incident or illness
In such an event, the following procedures will apply:
The management and first aider will be notified and take responsibility of the child and will assess the medical situation and treat the child accordingly. If the child requires treatment from a paramedic or has to go to hospital the parent/carer will be contacted by staff. A member of staff will accompany the child. If the child needs to go home, due to sickness, the parent/carer will be contacted and asked to collect them as soon as possible. In the meantime, the child will be made as comfortable and be kept under close supervision.
All such accidents or incidents will be recorded and a copy sent to the parent/carer via email. Parents/carers will be made fully aware on the day of the details of any incidents involving their child’s health and safety, and any actions taken by KIDACTIVE and its staff. The management and other relevant members of staff will consider whether the accident or incident highlights any actual or potential weaknesses in our policies or procedures, and act accordingly, making suitable adjustments where necessary.
Ofsted will be informed about; any significant changes or events; any communicable diseases as defined by the Health Protection Agency; any food poisoning affecting 2 or more children looked after on the premises or any child having a serious disease.
We can only accept a medication and agree to administer if the request is from a child's responsible adult.
If a child requires prescription medication, their parent/carer must complete (in advance of care) a Medication form. Medications must be handed to the management on arrival. A nominated first aider will be responsible for administering medication or for witnessing self-administration by the child. If a child refuses to take their medication, staff will not force them to do so. The management will contact the child’s parent/carer to make them aware.
Long term medication
If a child suffers from a long term medical condition the child's parent/carer will need to provide a medical care plan from their doctor, to clarify exactly what the symptoms and treatment are so that KIDACTIVE has a statement of the child's medical requirements. If our staff require any training to administer medication the parent/carer is responsible to contact management at least 14 days in advance of childcare.
KIDACTIVE can only administer medication that has been prescribed by a doctor, dentist, nurse or pharmacist. However, if a medicine contains aspirin we can only administer it if it has been prescribed by a doctor. All medication provided must have the prescription sticker attached which includes the child’s name, the date, the type of medicine and the dosage.
Uncollected child
If a child is not collected at the time of closure we will follow a 2 step procedure set out below:
Step 1
The management will contact the parents/carers (and all listed contacts, if necessary) to request the expected arrival time.
Step 2
If a child remains uncollected, and the parent/carer (and listed contacts) are non responsive after 30 minutes, the management will contact the local Social Care team for advice, 0345 050 7666. The management will continue to attempt to reach out to the parents/carers.
If a child cannot be located at a Club, the following steps will be taken:
1) The management will be notified immediately along with all onsite staff.
2) Nominated staff will conduct a thorough search of the premises and surrounding area.
3) After 1-5 minutes (time will depend on the size of the facilities), if not found, the management will contact the Police. The search will continue.
4) The management will contact the child’s parents/carers and will liaise with the Police.
Once the incident is resolved and recorded the management and the staff will review the Club’s ‘Security’ and ‘Risk Assessment’ policies and identify and implement any changes as necessary.
Children are provided with materials and equipment appropriate to ages, interests and abilities. Materials will include made, natural and recycled that are safe, stimulating, clean and in good condition. Wherever possible, materials will show males and females of different colour and nationality in a variety of roles, and with different abilities. Examples of everyday life will portray children and adults from a variety of family groupings and cultural backgrounds in non-stereotypical roles.
Activities are age appropriate and planned to allow children to build on their natural curiosity, advance their thinking, use their imagination and develop positive social relationships with others. We are committed to providing children with stimulating, spacious and safe environments.
Staff will ensure of open room layouts, allowing children to choose freely from a variety of activities. Outdoor play spaces will be available daily. Equipment will be safe and in good condition and promote continuity and progression, provide sufficient challenge and meet the needs and interests of all children attending our Clubs.
We provide and serve food for children at our After School Club.
We maintain the highest possible food hygiene standards with regard to the purchase, storage, preparation and serving of food.
All our staff who are involved in the preparation and handling of food have received training in food hygiene.
The person responsible for food preparation and serving carries out daily opening/closing checks to ensure standards are met consistently.
We use reliable suppliers for the food we purchase.
Food is stored at correct temperatures and is checked to ensure it is in-date and not subject to contamination by pests, rodents or mould.
Packed lunches (Holiday Club) brought in by children are stored in a cool place.
Food preparation areas are cleaned before and after use.
There are separate facilities for hand-washing and for washing-up.
All surfaces are clean and non-porous.
All utensils, crockery etc. are clean and stored appropriately.
Waste food is disposed of daily.
Cleaning materials and other dangerous materials are stored out of children's reach.
Children do not have unsupervised access to the kitchen.
When children take part in cooking activities, they:
- are supervised at all times;
- understand the importance of hand-washing and simple hygiene rules;
- are kept away from hot surfaces and hot water; and- do not have unsupervised access to electrical equipment, such as blenders etc. Reporting of food poisoning.
Food poisoning can occur for a number of reasons; not all cases of sickness or diarrhoea are as a result of food poisoning and not all cases of sickness or diarrhoea are reportable.
Where children and/or adults have been diagnosed by a GP or hospital doctor to be suffering from food poisoning and where it seems possible that the source of the outbreak is within our setting, the manager will contact the Environmental Health Department to report the outbreak and will comply with any investigation.
We notify Ofsted as soon as reasonably practicable of any confirmed cases of food poisoning affecting two or more children looked after on the premises, and always within 14 days of the incident.
We aim to provide environments free from discrimination. To achieve our objective we will:
Respect the different racial origins, religions, cultures and languages.
Not discriminate against children on the grounds of disability, sexual orientation, class, family status or HIV/Aids status.
Help children celebrate and express their cultural and religious identity through activities.
Strive to ensure that children feel good about themselves and others, by celebrating the differences which make us all unique individuals.
Ensure that our services are available to all parents/carers and children.
Ensure that our recruitment policies and procedures are open, fair and non-discriminatory.
Work to fulfil all the legal requirements of the Equality Act 2010.
The aims of our Behaviour Management policy are to help children to;
Develop a sense of caring and respect for one another.
Build caring and co-operative relationships with other children and adults.
Develop a range of social skills and help them learn what constitutes acceptable behaviour.
Develop confidence, self-discipline and self-esteem in an atmosphere of mutual respect.
We require all staff, volunteers and students to provide a positive model of behaviour by treating children, parents/carers and one another with friendliness, care and courtesy.
Behaviour management strategies
Staff will manage behaviour according to clear, consistent and positive strategies.
Staff and children will work together to establish a clear set of equal ‘ground rules’.
Positive behaviour will be reinforced with praise and encouragement.
Negative behaviour will be challenged in a calm but assertive and consistent manner.
Staff will set a positive example to children by behaving in a friendly and tolerant manner.
Staff will facilitate regular and open discussions with children about their behaviour.
The management will discuss concerns with staff and parents/carers in an attempt to identify the causes of negative behaviour and share strategies for dealing with it.
Staff will encourage discussion between children to try to resolve conflicts.
Dealing with negative behaviour
We require all staff to use positive strategies for handling any negative behaviour, by helping children find solutions in ways which are appropriate for the children's ages and stages of development.
As a last resort, when there is no alternative action that could be taken, or when it is felt that other children and/or staff are potentially at risk or the child is a negative disruption to the operation of a Club, the management will make contact with the parents/carers to discuss the issues.
The management has the right to either suspend or exclude the child from further childcare.
If a child is suspended or excluded
No refund will be offered for Holiday childcare bookings.
A one month notice period will apply to After School childcare. The child will not be allowed to attend during the notice period if management believe them to be a risk to children or a disruption to childcare operations.
Staff will never use physical punishment or the threat of it. Staff will use physical interventions only as a last resort and only then if they have reasonable grounds for believing that immediate action is necessary to prevent a child from significantly injuring themselves or others or to prevent serious damage to property. Only the minimum force necessary to prevent injury to a child will be applied, for example, by diverting a child by walking them away by a hand or by an arm around their shoulders. Where staff has had to intervene physically to restrain a child, the management will be notified, a record the incident will be made and the management will discuss the incident with the parent/carer.
Bullying of any form is not tolerated in our Clubs. Any child who is a victim of bullying will be dealt with in a sympathetic manner. If bullying is suspected or reported, the incident will be dealt with immediately by the member of staff informed, and then discussed with the management. An account of the incident will be recorded. Relevant staff will be informed so that close monitoring can begin. Parents/carers of children involved will be informed as necessary. Names of children involved will not be disclosed by KIDACTIVE although children themselves may disclose name(s) to their parent/carer.
Examples of bullying are;
Physical: Hitting, kicking, scratching, spitting, biting, taking or damaging belongings.
Psychological: Behaviour likely to create a sense of fear or anxiety in another person.
Emotional: Being unkind, excluding from a group or tormenting e.g. making fun.
Verbal: Name-calling, using words to attack, threaten or insulting.
Racial harassment can take any of the forms of bullying listed above but is motivated by the victim’s colour, race, nationality, or ethnic or national origins.
Preventing bullying behaviour
Staff will foster an anti-bullying culture in the following ways:
Encouraging caring and nurturing behaviour.
Discussing friendships and encouraging group and team play.
Encouraging children to report bullying without fear.
Discussing the issues surrounding bullying with the children
Exploring the consequences of bullying behaviour with the children.
Responding to bullying behaviour
We acknowledge that despite all efforts to prevent it, bullying behaviour is likely to occur on occasion. Should such incidents occur, we will follow the procedure outlined below:
We will address all incidents of bullying thoroughly and sensitively.
Victims of bullying will be offered the immediate opportunity to discuss the matter with staff.
Victims will be reassured that what they say will be taken seriously and handled sympathetically.
Staff will support the victim, keeping them under close supervision.
If another child witnesses bullying and reports this, staff will reassure them that they have done the right thing. Staff will then investigate the matter and inform the management.
If staff witnesses bullying, involving children or adults, they will inform the management.
Children who have bullied will be helped by discussing what has happened, establishing why the child became involved. Staff will help the child to understand why this form of behaviour is unacceptable and will encourage him/her to change their behaviour.
If bullying persists, the management will inform the parents/carers and discuss how to resolve issues. If this fails to stop the bullying, more serious actions may have to be taken, as laid out in the Suspensions or Exclusions policy.
All incidents of bullying will be reported to the management and will be recorded. The management and other relevant staff will review the Club’s procedures in respect of bullying, to ensure that practices are relevant and effective.
Children will have access to a cloakroom to store personal belongings. We advise all belongings are labelled.
After School Club
We have a secure premises that we access all year round therefore left items will remain onsite until collected.
Holiday Club
If items are left at the end of a Holiday Club period parents/carers will have the weekend (after the period ends) to collect them as this is a shutdown period. After that period if items are not collected, and the owner is not known to us, they will be donated to the local charity shop as we have no school storage unit.
Please do not send your child to KIDACTIVE with electronic games devices as they can't access them during the day. We cannot be held liable for them.
Mobile phones
If your child arrives with a mobile phone they must hand it to staff on arrival and it will be returned to them on departure.
KIDACTIVE is aware of its obligations with regard to storing and sharing information under the GDPR, and is committed to complying with its regulations. This policy applies to the processing of personal data of customers in manual and electronic records kept by KIDACTIVE. It also covers our response to any data breach and other rights under the GDPR.
Access to data
Customers have a right to access personal data that we hold on them. To exercise this right, customers should make a Subject Access Request with evidence of their identity. Requests made in relation to a customer’s data from a third party should be accompanied by evidence that the third party is able to act on the customers behalf. If this is not provided, we may contact the third party to ask that such evidence be forwarded before we comply with the request. We will comply with a request within one month. Where requests are complex or numerous, we may contact the customer to inform them that an extension of time is required. The maximum extension period is two months. We will normally comply with a request at no cost. However, if the request is manifestly unfounded or excessive, or if it is repetitive, we may contact the customer requesting a fee of £25.00 (administration). This fee must be paid in order for us to comply with the request. The fee will be determined at the relevant time and will be set at a level which is reasonable in the circumstances. We may refuse to deal with a subject access request if it is manifestly unfounded or excessive, or if it is repetitive. Where it is our decision to refuse a request, we will contact the customer without undue delay and at the latest within one month of receipt, to inform them and to provide an explanation.
Third party processing
Where we engage third parties to process data on our behalf, we will ensure, via a data processing agreement, that the third party takes such measures in order to maintain KIDACTIVE’s commitment to protecting data.
Customer privacy notice
In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we have implemented this privacy notice to inform you, our customers, of the types of data we process about you. We also include within this notice the reasons for processing your data, the lawful basis that permits us to process it, how long we keep your data for and your rights regarding your data.
A) Data protection principles
Under GDPR, all personal data obtained and held by us must be processed according to a set of core principles. In accordance with these principles, we will ensure that:
a) Processing is fair, lawful and transparent; (b) Data is collected for specific, explicit, and legitimate purposes; (c) Data collected is adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary for the purposes of processing; (d) Data is kept accurate and up to date. Data which is found to be inaccurate will be rectified or erased without delay; (e) Data is not kept for longer than is necessary for its given purpose; (f) Data is processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of personal data including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction or damage by using appropriate technical or organisation measures; (g) We comply with the relevant GDPR procedures for international transferring of personal data.
B) Types of data held
We keep several categories of personal data on our customer in order to carry out effective and efficient processes such as managing bookings, create registers, invoices and other documents/tools which relate to the functioning or running of our childcare services. We keep this data in a personnel file relating to each customer and we also hold the data within our computer systems.
Specifically, we hold the following types of data:
(a) Child’s personal details i.e. name, date of birth, nationality, address, medical history, dietary requirements and any other information deemed to be significant; (b) Parents/carers, name, address, contact numbers and bank details (applies to refunds - although we then delete).
C) Collecting your data
We gather customer data via information entered (by the customer) into our database when 'they' register a portal via our website, completes and submits a form, subscribes to our mailing list and when a customer visits our Club/s and corresponds with us by phone, e-mail or post.
Information we receive from other sources
We may be working closely with third parties (including, for example, your child’s current school, medical practitioners, photographers, local authorities, education authorities, business partners, payment and delivery services, debt collectors, lawyers and credit reference agencies) and may receive information about you from them.
D) Lawful basis for processing
The law on data protection allows us to process your data for certain reasons only. In the main, we process your data in order to comply with a legal requirement or in order for us to effectively provide customers with out of school childcare.
Data processing undertaken and lawful basis we rely on
We maintain comprehensive up to date personnel records about customers to ensure effective correspondence can be achieved and appropriate contact points
E) Who we share your data with
Employees within our company who have responsibility for administration will have access to your data which is relevant to their function. All employees with such responsibility have been trained in ensuring data is processing in line with GDPR. Data is shared with third parties if we are required to by government bodies or law enforcement agencies. We do not share your data with bodies outside of the European Economic Area.
F) Protecting your data
We are aware of the requirement to ensure your data is protected against accidental loss or disclosure, destruction and abuse. We have implemented processes to guard data.
G) Retention periods
We only keep data for as long as we need it for. Some data retention periods are set by the law.
H) Customer rights
You have the following rights in relation to the personal data we hold:
(a) The right to be informed about the data we hold on you and what we do with it; (b) The right of access to the data we hold on you; (c) The right for any inaccuracies in the data we hold on you, however they come to light, to be corrected. This is also known as ‘rectification’; (d) The right to have data deleted in certain circumstances. This is also known as ‘erasure’; (e) The right to restrict the processing of the data; (f) The right to transfer the data we hold on you to another party. This is also known as ‘portability’; (g) The right to object to the inclusion of any information; (h) The right to regulate any automated decision-making and profiling of personal data.
I) Consent
Where you have provided consent to our use of your data, you also have the right to withdraw that consent at any time. This means that we will stop processing your data.
J) Making a complaint
If you think your data rights have been breached, raise a complaint with US or the Information Commissioner (ICO) at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.
KIDACTIVE aims to work in partnership with parents/carers to deliver high quality childcare. If we fall short of this goal, we would like to be informed in order to amend our practices. If you have a complaint about our practices, please tell us either in person or in writing. The Operations Manager is responsible for dealing with all customer complaints. All complaints will be recorded and investigated with the aim to reach a satisfactory conclusion for all parties.
Complaints procedures:
Stage 1
The Operations Manager will discuss, either in person or on the telephone (both options will be made available to the customer), the complaint and aim to reach a satisfactory resolution.
Stage 2
If it is impossible to reach a satisfactory resolution to the complaint raised through informal discussion, the parent/care should put their detailed complaint in writing to the Operations Manager, who will acknowledge the formal complaint within 7 days, investigate the complaint and notify the complainant, in writing, of the outcome within 28 days of the complaint being received. Whilst these time frames are stated the Operations Manager will aim to address a complaint as quickly as possible.
Making a complaint to:
Paul Tucker
Operations Manager